Introducing the industry's first cross-platform course / book analytics and AI content creation platform ...

Semrush for content courses

Your New Idea Machine Find thousands of topics and content outlines in seconds
Explore 297,000+ online courses and 40 million book titles with Eurekaa - your ultimate content research powerhouse.
What would take days and a paid assistant to do - now only takes seconds. Search by topic, title, niche, student count, category, ratings, platform and more. Seamlessly integrate the content details from our 'Course View' and 'Book View' modals, and save them to build a rich personal idea library
Insights from the largest - and most popular online learning platforms and marketplaces
Create Content With Proven Popularity
Never shoot in the dark again! Discover topic market opportunities with our topic scoring algorithm that calculates interest over time and courses-to-student ratios to let you know what's directionally popular in the marketplace - right now.
Your Unfair Advantage
Validate your content ideas using at-a-glance analytics like ratings, reviews, enrollment, search demand and more.
Find Opportunity in Gaps and Reviews with Instant AI Audits
See what's missing with our AI Gap and Sentiment Analysis! Scan courses and content, uncovering hidden opportunities that await your expertise.
Your path to unique content
Ensure your course isn’t just another drop in the ocean, but a wave of fresh, need-fulfilling knowledge. Craft content that transcends current market offerings.
Review the reviews
If a course has reviews, you can run a sentiment analysis to determine why they lean positive or negative. This insight is invaluable, offering you a clearer path to crafting your next course’s success.
"One of my most satisfying purchases.. it has been a game-changer for me as a course creator and writer."
Founder/Executive Coach, Mustafa Mohsen Institute
Break Cold-Start Creative Blocks With Our Unique AI: Lesson Architect™
Lesson Architect™ AI helps you overcome the worst parts of writer's block - starting and finishing. Create detailed outlines, descriptions, lesson plans, book chapters and even PPT slides.
Enter your topic, context and audience type, even a proposed length and Eurekaa will give you intelligent formatted content - in seconds!
Fuel your flow with augmented intelligence
Export any outline - or import external content - into our AI-Assisted Doc Editor and put your content on speed dial. AI commands are in line with your writing with just a click on the icon, using what you already have to help you continue writing or brainstorm new ideas
Launch Your Course in Hours, Not Weeks, with Rapid Publisher™
Stop taking forever to launch. Rapid Publisher is the fastest way to transform content into an online learning experience.
From outline to online - lighting fast.
Easily add video or audio to your lessons with a few clicks, and publish a fully functional online course—complete with resources and AI-generated quizzes.
De-risk your course creation.
Launch a Minimum Viable Course (MVC) and gather invaluable feedback from your target audience using easy-to-add survey links. Ensure you're building something your students truly want.
"Real Al and mind blown! Created 13 modules and over 18k words..."
Unlock Even More 'Eurekaa!' Moments with Book Content
Supercharge your idea factory with the world's largest searchable book database and Eurekaa's Topic Keyword Search Tool. Instantly uncover book chapters and title search term volumes for hundreds of terms, ensuring you have popular content or program ideas for months to come.
Your own Content Library
Add details from 'Course View' and 'Book View' modals, building a rich personal library. Organize your idea workspaces with Tags you can add to any saved content.
Eurekaa is not just a tool; it's your research assistant, market analyst, content hub, and writing assistant - all in one
Turn the Web into Your Personal Library with Highlight Clipper
Use the Eurekaa Chrome Extension to highlight-capture text from any website and save it to your Content Planner. Create quotes or summarize insights from your clippings with built-in AI. Turn the ocean of online content into your own content pool. Integrate your discoveries directly into your projects with just a click. Clip, Curate, and Create